Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Extravagantly Elaborate Exigencies

When another sees a person living for kindness, peace and Love, they will see the best of themselves in that person. When the other person observes that you have the courage to live for the best part of yourself, both of you will join together in that joy. That unification is the same as those espoused in religions around the world. Let go of your suffering, it is not you. Transmute it into peace like the first alchemy. In the process recognize your essence as a being and live for that part of us that defies articulation, our "soul." Arrogant people want to be good but they do not understand that good overcomes evil so they deny or partly embrace an offensive/defensive posture. Know thyself in the silence is a good adage.

I have yet to understand the varying explanations of alternate dimensions. However Gaston explained to me the other day that the energy of what we perceive as blue light has a short wave that makes it bounce off of particles in the atmosphere (longer waves or green and red don't bounce so they pass through the atmosphere) and hence the blue sky and the blue ocean reflecting that energy/light (all energy is light anyway including ourselves.) That is why the ocean is blue.

I suspect that there are other dimensions that we concurrently exist in. We don't necessarily perceive them as I suspect that they maintain weaker and stronger energies. For the astute skeptic: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/4th_dimension

Michael Montrief


This world will look very different one-hundred years from now; in fact I bet in less than two hundred years we will be looked at as Neanderthals because people were still killing one another. When genetics is no longer a game of chance and the best genes for children will be picked out in preparation of childbirth (mandated by governments no doubt) and everyone is rolling around with intelligence quotients of multiples beyond what is on a testable range now, we will all look dumb. In the future the highest and best state of being will manifest when everyone is responsible for bringing out the best in one another. I believe that the more intelligent we become, i.e. the better our ability becomes to listen to those underpinnings that make us unconsciously human, the more kind we will grow toward one another. A race against time….only God could invent a drama this good. And I mean it's good. Turbulence on the airplane, nuclear Armageddon, HIV, IRS, Job Security, this weekend at your mother or father-in-law's…everything so out of control and all at once....all kinds of distracting stuff that one could let terrify them if they had unresolved conflict that became a neurosis or a myopic view that gives someone their sense of identity.

I'm only giving ten years 'til we order our meals on the tables we're eating them on.
But my real question remains, what will illegal crime (prostitution, drugs, arms) do when paper money dissapears? Will it go to a barter system or largely dissapear? I believe towards the end of my life, should I live a full one, we will see the emergence of a virtually paperless money economy in the United States. The United States will have to do it as a concealment in order to keep the rate of inflation on the rise without the world losing confidence. It's a lot easier to spend money when you don't have to count it out in cash.

And someday you will tell people about paper books and how we use to write on paper too. I am sure the trees are breathing a collective sigh of relief over that one.
The most intelligent people I know are the best listeners. I should talk way less.
Hey, and I'm not saying I'm always put together, I'm just aiming high.

Michael Montrief

Constellated Paradigms

The unobserved act is at the caprice of the unconscious which will set one back (being one's own worst enemy) until it is unified with the conscious mind. Unifing the consciousnesses is the singular goal of our existence. The means: intelletucalism, religion or both. This world does not move too quickly for me to observe my every act. Rather it is my resistence to what is here and now that distracts me from complete oversight.

And I found Brutus' sweet spot today, he is so happy!


Michael Montrief

I'm Not Complicated But This World Is

Walking in D.C this morning I realized that no memorial to peace exists. Dead men, (some with epitaphs written by speechwriters) and wars, that is what I saw on this trip. I suspect that if women had been making the decisions about their children dying in wars, at the very least some if not most conflict would have been avoided.

My friend Sarah asked me today if I thought Love was a priori. I think it is. It is first intuited at birth and sensed as result. We have to know/feel it within ourselves before we can recognize it in others. That is why not being self centered allows one to see this world through the eyes of God (albeit a much more myopic view.)

I saw the human bodies exhibit in Alexandria today. This life is such a miracle and it is so beautiful. To see the actual composition of our amazing machines harkens me back to the profound sense of being I experience deep within. I know that our lives are no accident and the most important and amazing lessons we learn remain those about who we truly are less not necessarily what we are doing.

So the truth is simple because we carry it around inside of us, living for it requires the tenacity that unlocks the heart of God.

Michael Montrief

time is the only commodity; death is but a mere illusion

The older I get the more I understand.

I understand the myths that reveal the truth and this amazingly simple fact: One can know anything but to understand it is quite perhaps why this world exists.

Knowledge without understanding is like walking without a cane; sometimes you need a stick to help you get back up and not fall again.

Getting to understanding with a minimum of pain, that's self awareness of the still silent presence in each and every one of us all.

Time is the only commodity; death is but a mere illusion.

Michael Montrief